Neckover Brand Protection Policy ADP / MAP

All Dealers are prohibited from marketing or offering for sale Neckover products on or through third-party marketplace websites without the prior written consent of Neckover. Such consent is granted solely through execution by Neckover�s Third-Party Marketplace Authorized Online Seller Agreement. Click the button to be taken to the Request Form.

Brand Protection Policies – ADP and MAP

Dear Bull Tuff Dealers,

For over 47 years Neckover Manufacturing has been a part of the agricultural way of life for many in North America. We could not have achieved this without superior products that perform as advertised and the support of a dealer base that understands the trailer market and its customer. Dealers are an important part of our team and we wouldn�t be where we are without you. We are grateful for the relationships we have and for the opportunity to work together toward each other�s success. Together, we can provide unparalleled levels of customer satisfaction by offering the highest quality products, outstanding technical assistance, and superior customer service. Maintaining experienced, well trained, and capable staff and facilities are key to customer satisfaction.

To protect the Neckover and Bull Tuff brand and encourage our dealers to invest in providing excellent customer service and technical assistance, we are excited to announce our Brand Protection Program that includes a Minimum Advertised Price policy and an Authorized Reseller policy. On�April 1st, 2020 �Neckover�s Authorized Dealer Policy (ADP) will become effective and the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy will go into effect�April 1st, 2020. After�April 1st, 2020 �products of Neckover will only be sold to authorized dealers/resellers and only those who are granted express written approval will be permitted to sell Neckover products on marketplace third party websites. When the MAP policy goes into effect on�April 1st, 2020, anyone who advertises products covered by the MAP policy, will be subject to the unilaterally applied Minimum Advertised Price policy.

MAP and Authorized Dealer policies are not new in our industry. We have put forth every effort to create policies that are effective and enforceable. We have developed three levels of explanation: 1)�MAP�and�ADP�Policy Highlights that will help you navigate essential details of the program; 2)�ADP and MAP FAQ�s�to answer common questions, and 3) the�full content�of the�MAP�and�ADP�policies. We encourage everyone to review each of these in the order listed.

Thank you for your support and your input. As with other brands who have implemented such policies, we fully anticipate the Neckover Brand Protection Program to be successful for all who sell and use Neckover products.

Kind regards,


Full Brand Protection Policy